Friday, September 26, 2014

Collection of Vegetables to Lose Weight

Weight loss is our lifework, must start from everyday life, then what vegetables can help us lose weight?


Lettuce contains a lot of water, dietary fiber, cellulose-rich meat diet to supplement insufficient fiber absorption. 100 grams of lettuce to contain 1.52 grams of dietary fiber, low-fat dieters is to replace lost cellulose good helper.

2. cauliflower

Also known as broccoli cauliflower, white, green, two. Nutritional value of cabbage flowers and green cauliflower is basically the same, broccoli cabbage flowers than the carotene content is higher. Cauliflower is rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, but also rich in vitamin K.

3.garland chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum stems and leaves can be with food, there is clear air of Artemisia, Ganging Jug, contains a lot of nutrients, especially carotene than ordinary vegetables. Tonga’s containing crude fiber helps accelerate intestinal waste discharge, reduce constipation, intestinal reach Relaxing profit purposes.


Kelp is one of the seafood plant, belonging to a very low calorie diet food. Kelp contains a small amount of protein, fat, and rich in iodine, manifold, and trace elements, with irritation of the intestinal wall, promote gastrointestinal tract digestive function, will ease constipation, eliminate fatty and cholesterol, achieve weight loss effect.

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