Tuesday, September 23, 2014

How to lose weight with a lotus leaf

Lotus leaf tea is the best food to lose weight, it is a convenient method of eating. It is a favorite that many people want to lose weight do not want to exercise. Its principle is to lose weight in the body to form a layer of fat isolated intestinal membrane, effectively prevent the absorption of fat, weight loss fundamentally, and more effective control of the rebound.


1.The new lotus leaf dry cleaning picked grated after about 510 grams.

2.Repeatedly brewing, so a greater degree of active substances to dissolve, do not just soak it again.

3.Geye oxidative deterioration of exposure time will be too long in the air, so do not drink overnight lotus leaf tea.


1.It must be strong tea.
2. Fasting tea before meals.
3. Don’t need to diet.
4. You can put honey in tea.


1.Pregnant women and lactating women can not drink.
2.Menstruating women can not drink.

3. People recovering from illness can not drink. 

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