Friday, September 19, 2014

Lose Weight Should Eat More Vegetables

Not an easy thing to lose weight, weight loss methods tried one after another, for a yet another, not only did not cut down, it came to a lot of small problems. In fact, weight loss is as simple as eating the right food, the body will soon be able to slim down. Let us take a look at what foods make us lose it.

Materials: melon  spinach  carrots  nuts

1. melon is the most practical effect of having the benefits of water swelling food, regular consumption can discharge toxins and excess water in the body.

2. Spinach is rich in potassium, VA and VC, but with particular attention to ways of cooking spinach, spinach is very easy because the loss of nutritious vegetables.

3. carrot is a face-lift and efficacy excellent vegetables, sooner or later a cup of honey, carrot juice can not only face-lift, but also play a detoxification laxative effect.

4. Nuts are rich in vitamins and fats, can support the facial fat fiber and prevent relaxation and other problems. 

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